Subscription Rates
$33 per year in Wayne, Pierce, Cedar, Dixon, Thurston,
Cuming, Stanton, & Madison Counties
$35 - In-State; $48 - Out of State
Single copy price - .75
Wayne Herald - paid..........................2300
Morning Shopper - paid.....................9714

Advertising Rates
Single Insertion - $6.20
Wayne Herald or Morning Shopper - per column inch

Combination - $8.50
Wayne Herald or Morning Shopper - per column inch

Shopper Plus - $9.75
Morning Shopper and Hartington Shopper - per column inch

Insertions - $65.00
Color - $50.00
Frequency discounts are available
Advertising Rates effective March 1, 2003

Single Insertion - $7.00 per 25 words
Wayne Herald or
Morning Shopper - .75 each additional word

Monday Morning Shopper
Thursday at 5 p.m.

Thursday Wayne Herald
Monday at 5 p.m.